The Mind-Body Problem is the absence of acknowledgment of this vital connection between the conscious, subconscious mind, and body. Once we have this understanding, healing can occur in all areas of our lives. Understanding the relationship between our thoughts, conscious and subconscious, the emotional body, and the energy body, and its effects on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Meditation, Yoga, Qigong, shadow work, and parts work changed my life.
Hello, Lesa here; I have suffered from MS and chronic neck & lower back pain for over 23 years, diagnosed with MS at 31. Two other family members also suffer from MS, my beautiful sister Kim & Louanne, our cousin, who has passed. My diagnosis came during a hospital stay after losing the use of my legs. My core was so weak I could not sit up on my own. A three-week hospital stay and home to a hospital bed by ambulance on Thanksgiving day in 1994 and using a wheelchair for almost three years.
Over the years, MS added symptoms to my body. Trouble swallowing and speech difficulties. The right side of my face drooped, my right eye almost closed, and it did its own thing, for I had no control over the eye muscles. My right arm and hand became weak and numb. My right leg continued to drag once walking again. Doubled and blurred vision and increased stress levels would greatly enhance symptoms.
Interferon drugs made me feel like I had the flu. Anti-inflammatory drugs caused my bones to degenerate and profoundly increased my spine pain. Spine surgery, the radiofrequency procedures to spinal nerves, cortisone injections in my neck and lower back, and monthly trips to the pain clinic for heavy prescription painkillers were my life for 17 years. Therefore, this was not a happy, healthy life by any means.
I Was a Physical, Mental, and Emotional Mess: Mind-Body Problem
I was a physically, mentally, and emotionally miserable mess for most of my life. My anxiety was always out of control. Chronic pain 24/7, even with long and short-term painkillers around the clock. Sleeping in a recliner chair for over ten years, I could not lie down. Sleep? What was that? Going without sleep much-needed sleep added to my MS symptoms and more physical pain. My pain caused more anxiety, and anxiety caused more pain. As a result, I was also living with depression. My life was in a vicious cycle of misery. When I tried to speak, the words would not come out of my mouth, and feeling like I was going to choke on everything I ate. I am in a new place, new life, and loving every minute.
Now I enjoy life to the fullest, without fear. I have learned how to manage stress, anxiety, and chronic pain, and my MS is no longer active Making the best of each day and want to help others do the same!
My Doctor Encouraged Me to Advocate for Others
I was encouraged to advocate for others on the profound changes in my life and how others can do the same “You should be an advocate for others,” my doctor told me, for he has naturally improved and healed his health issues of the onset of diabetes and heart disease My oldest daughter Desiree’ said, “mom, you found your purpose.” “What makes you happy” she saw how I lit up I was each time I talked about my progress and how I wished I could help everyone like me. Desiree’ stated, “let others know there is hope, and they are not only your diagnosis. You can help others overcome their struggles too.”
No matter what hardship you are experiencing, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally, maybe all three, like myself. You can improve all areas of your life, including relationships, work, career, and finding your life purpose. As a result, you can live a happy, healthier, and fulfilled life.
We All Hold Past Emotional Pain & Trauma: Mind-Body Problem
The Mind-Body Connection is REAL. We are fully aware of past emotional pain and trauma in our conscious minds. However, we also hold suppressed negative emotional pain in our subconscious minds and in the very cells of our bodies that we are not aware of, Not understanding how to deal with the pain and trauma in our conscious awareness Living in constant overwhelming stress and anxiety, and to help us cope our subconscious mind takes over Suppressing our fractured parts of ourselves and the emotional pain in our subconscious mind are running our lives. There is so much about ourselves that we are not aware of. Our consciousness becomes fractured at a very young age. These painful parts of ourselves need healing and integration back into self.
My Childhood Pain and Trauma
I grew up in a home with an alcoholic father who was physically and mentally abusive. Our mother suffered verbal and physical abuse and was kept isolated without any friends to gain support. I found a sibling in her bed who had tried to commit suicide from an overdose of pills; she was 15, and I was 6. At 8, I found her after she had cut her wrist. One of my older brothers would always cut himself, for the physical pain would relieve his emotional pain; he passed in his early 40s. Another older brother had died at the age of 34 of liver failure from alcohol-induced liver failure. I watched my father beat my mother and my older siblings in his alcoholic rage; after coming home from the bar and terrorizing my two younger sisters and myself, I was also sexually abused at 7.
Therefore, I carried so much suppressed negative emotional pain and trauma from childhood, along with trauma and pain from horrible abusive personal relationship patterns in my adult life. As a result, my body was accumulating all kinds of illnesses and diseases from suppressed negative emotional energy stuck in my body. I wish I had learned this knowledge at a much younger age. I want all who suffer to become knowledgeable of this valuable information, for they, too, can put it to use To help heal from physical, mental, and emotional pain.
Our bodies also carry memory, not just our mind, conscious or subconscious. Although we are vibrational beings, part of the Universe’s consciousnesses, each part of our body has its own consciousness. Therefore, we must learn to release stuck negative emotional distress and trauma from our bodies’ very cells and organs. Consequently, we can heal from past pain-causing illnesses and diseases in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Therefore, to bring all parts of our consciousness, our soul, back to oneness. As a result, we can live a more calm, happy, healthier life. Finding purpose in life is what truly makes us happy!
Scientific Research Shows that 90% of all Illnesses and Diseases are Stress-Related, Childhood Trauma,
Suppressed pain and trauma cause illness and disease. Negative emotional pain is repressed, denied, and disowned, and our fears run our lives. We self-sabotage our growth and development out of fear and anxiety. As a result, they have low self-esteem and lack self-worth. We need to understand that the self-sabotage of our subconscious mind is actually trying to protect us. However, it keeps us stuck in the same negative patterns we continue to live if we do not address our body-mind connection to the deep-seated emotional pain we carry.
Individuals can also carry fears about their healing process; I carried this fear. We wish to be healthy, but we have limiting beliefs and fear of the unknown that stops our healing process through our subconscious mind. Therefore, the mind-body problem persists if not addressed. However, by finding the subconscious positive intent behind our illness, we can learn from this information, meet the needs that this part of ourselves needs, and, therefore, begin to heal.
We Must Address Our Suppressed Pain and Trauma: Mind-Body-Problem Psychology and Shadow Work
I have a Master’s degree in Behavioral Psychology. It took six years of psychology to dig deep, indeed. As a result, I understood my dysfunctional family and painful childhood; but without understanding the emotional body as I do today. I learned how my childhood trauma affected me through my subconscious mind of past trauma; emotional pain stuck in my body, causing illness and disease. I could see the repeating life patterns that were destroying my life and how to recover from them.
We are Victims of Victims. This is a truth that many do not understand or want to acknowledge, but this still does not change the fact. Whenever my father would traumatize my family, there would be times we could hear him crying profoundly from my parent’s bedroom.
The Mind-Body Connection Problem: Healing Within
My site contains self-improvement and personal development articles, tools, and strategies to enhance overall well-being. I hope they can help you also.
Now is the time to take charge of your life. So keep your chin up, and I look forward to you improving your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Disclaimer: 1111newme.com is not here to diagnose, treat, or replace your healthcare provider’s treatment for any symptoms, illness, or disease, physical, mental, or emotional Always talk to your healthcare provider about any physical, mental, or emotional struggles you may be suffering and before starting any new exercise routine.
7 Easy Meditations Actually Reduce Stress and Improve Lung Function https://1111newme.com/2021/12/13/health-benefits-meditation-has-on-the-body/
Thank you for stopping by; much love, Lesa.