Super-Foods Uncategorized

Berries Super-Food Brain and Heart Health

Natures Beautiful Delicious Berries Research studies show blueberries are packed with antioxidants and fight against free radicals, which are a cause of cancer, according to a study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology (2018). Regarding the super-food list, berries are at the top. There are many berries, and they all differ in their nutritional value. Cranberries, […]


Emotional Baggage Meaning, How to Let Go of Painful Emotions

The meaning of emotional baggage is all the crap we have carried around consciously or unconsciously of past emotional pain and trauma we have experienced. We all carry around emotional baggage to some extent, some more than others, depending on the individual’s life experiences. Yet, most are taught to suck it up and move on; […]

Taking Charge of Our Life Uncategorized

Awakening of Humanity Now Collectively

It is truly a time that humanity needs to awaken collectively. When will humanity stop inflicting fear, pain, and utter suffering on each other? I watch as little of the news media as possible. I don’t let myself to be led by the nose by all the drama, false information, and conspiracy theories going around […]

Super-Foods Uncategorized

Raw Garlic Benefits: Garlic is a Super-Food

Garlic is one of the best herbs for boosting one’s overall health. Eating raw garlic benefits our health because of its enzyme Allicin. This enzyme has strong antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-cancer properties. Raw garlic is highly nutritious and low in calories. One clove contains Vitamin C, Selenium, calcium, Copper, Phosphorus, Vitamin B1 and B6, […]

Benefits of Meditation Taking Charge of Our Life Uncategorized

Chronic Pain-Emotions, Thoughts & Behaviors

Understand your chronic pain and your brain. Explore alternative treatments; take control of your pain instead of chronic pain control your life. Pain is a very personal and private experience. You may believe that no one knows or understands how you feel. You may be frustrated with treatments that don’t help. Sometimes your pain may […]