Qigong & Yoga Uncategorized

5 Easy Yoga Poses To Relieve Stress

Stress and anxiety fill our body with the cortisol stress hormone and adrenaline, which causes illness and disease. In addition, the fight or flight response creates an imbalance of the sympathetic nervous system. However, there are simple yoga poses to counteract these adverse reactions. Simple yoga poses can reduce stress and anxiety by enhancing relaxation and […]

Benefits of Meditation Qigong & Yoga Uncategorized

Positive Behaviors with Meditation

We can achieve positive behavior and turn fear into positive behavior with meditation. Sitting in meditation is a practice where we feel safe. Where one can dive deep asking oneself the hard questions to acknowledge where our fears originated from. Brain function and our mental processes improve when we face and deal with our fears. […]

Qigong & Yoga

5 Minute Qi gong Exercises For Health, Relieves Stress, Anxiety, And Depression

Powerful Qi gong Exercises For Muscle Tension, Stress, Anxiety and Depression Sometimes we just don’t realize how tense we are. Why? Because we are tense most of the time with life’s endeavors. Here are two quick Qi gong exercises below that will release tensed-up energy in the body, releive stress and anxiety, and imporve depression […]