Benefits of Meditation Taking Charge of Our Life

Guided Meditation: Types of Meditation for Beginners

Meditation Guide for Beginners: Many individuals like to use guided meditation when starting with meditation, though many types of meditation are available. There are many types of meditation techniques for beginners to choose from. As fitness exercise is an approach to training the body, meditation trains the mind. No one meditation type fits all. For […]

Benefits of Meditation Taking Charge of Our Life

How Does Meditation Actually Help Emotional Stress and Anxiety

There are many emotional symptoms of stress, and many people think that stress is only physical. But there is more to it than just a headache, stomachache, or feeling tired. If you’ve ever been stressed and had your mood affected, you know how it can affect your emotions. Most often, the symptoms of stress come […]

Benefits of Meditation

How Can Mindfulness Meditation Easily Improve MS Patients Life?

The number of MS medications approved has increased; at the same time, individuals with MS are looking for complementary and alternative medicines. Meditation is one of these alternatives and complementary to our medical treatment. The research shows how meditation benefits MS patients. Mind-body meditation is well known collectively. Since stress is a significant cause of […]

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation for ADHD Kids

Meditation for kids and adults with ADHD. TM or Transcendental meditation is the best practice to calm the active minds and bodies of individuals with ADHD. For individuals with ADHD, learning becomes inhibiting because it is so hard to hold focus. Children have a hard time in school paying attention to teachers for instruction, lesson […]

Benefits of Meditation Taking Charge of Our Life

Fear of Failure, Symptoms, Causes, Tips to Help

Fear of failure is something everyone experiences at some point in life, but fear does not exist. What do I mean by saying this? Fear comes from our subconscious minds from past experiences that we have encountered. We worry about what will happen if we fail, and our failure does not even exist yet, so […]