Benefits of Meditation Taking Charge of Our Life

How The Powerful Solfeggio Vibration Frequencies Heal The Body

For hundreds of years, studies have reported how powerful solfeggio vibration frequencies are for healing the body and mind. Sound vibration frequencies also affect your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Sound therapy, solfeggio vibration frequencies are used in many diverse clinical settings for their physical healing benefits. The same is true for the positive effect it […]

Benefits of Meditation Taking Charge of Our Life

How The Subconscious Mind Holds Our Negative Emotional Pain

What does it mean to be holding deep-seated negative emotional pain buried in our subconscious? Here we will explain how the subconscious mind defines everything about us in great detail. Discuss how suppressed emotional pain is stored in our body’s very cells and how we can release past trauma that is making us ill. How […]

Benefits of Meditation

6 Easy, Fun, Mindfulness Exercise For Kids

Benefits of Mindfulness Activities For Children Scholarly research finds that mindfulness activities for children decrease stress and anxiety, increase attention, improve interpersonal relationships, strengthen compassion, and offer many other benefits. As a result, mindfulness can provide better focus, and stress relief, with fun at the helm. Providing calm fun encourages focus that children enjoy, and […]

Benefits of Meditation Taking Charge of Our Life

How To Stop Negative Thoughts-Anxiety

How to stop negative thoughts-anxiety? We can’t completely stop our negative thoughts. What we can do is learn to take our power back and stop letting them run our lives. Learn to observe and change our negative-focused thoughts and emotions to a positive focus. Learn to stop the negative impact they hold on our life. […]

Benefits of Meditation Taking Charge of Our Life

What are the Types of Perception?

Types of perception are the set of processes we use to make sense of all stimuli we encounter every second in our life. These are sensory impressions from where you get your information, from reading a post on FaceBook, or an itch on your arm providing input into what our perceptions might be. Perception allows […]