Yin yoga flows, or adding a quieter aspect to our yoga practice can introduce us to the possibility of physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium. This helps reduce the compulsive extremes of behavior that cause us to lose balance. The loss of focus, and diminish our joy of living. Yang energy is needed to bring vitality to our yin interior. It is the gentler yin qualities within us that balance our yang intensities. Have you felt that life is often not how you would like it to be? If so, learning the ancient art of deep listening would be beneficial. Learning to tune in to the internal, non-conceptual, softer aspects of your yin nature may be the healing direction one needs.
Yin Yoga-Going Within
Yin Yoga provides us with the opportunity to go within and re-align our orientation. The positive effects on our physical body in ways that may surprise us. It will provide us with ample periods of stillness within. We can start to pay attention to what is really happening, right here, right now. It can provoke insights that may move us to make significant changes in our life. Allowing us to accept what is happening right now in our life is exactly what ought to be happening right now. We can discover ourselves opening and connecting with our experience as it is.
Yoking- Body-Heart-Mind Connection
Paying attention to the fluctuations of the breath. Noticing the sensations ebbing and flowing in the physical body. Tracking the changing feelings in the emotional body, and recognizing the space of the mind. Thoughts in the mental body are all part of yoga. This yoking or joining of the body, heart, and mind provides health benefits. Beyond simply being more flexible or stronger. The word health is derived from an Old English word meaning “whole.” Yoga re-establishes our natural wholeness. The balanced integrity of our yin and yang nature. Find the quiet space within, your mind-body, and spirit will love you for it.
Qigong Practice For MS https://1111newme.com/2020/09/11/qigong-practice-for-ms/
Yoga in cardiac health (review) https://atriumhealth.org/documents/NorthEastInternalIntegrative/research-library/Cardiology/YogaCardiacHealth.pdf