Spirituality, Consciousness, Oneness

Forgiveness Heals The Mind, Body & Spirit

Forgive others and forgive yourself. Forgiveness heals.

Forgiveness heals, when we hold onto anger, resentment, and blame towards another it creates havoc inside our own bodies. We are only creating pain and suffering for ourselves. Many of us may project our pain out onto others who are closest to us. Holding onto anger, resentment, and blame, we are not affecting the person who has hurt us, it is only hurting ourselves.

Every unconscious human creates suffering for themselves and others without the awareness they are doing it. Creating misery within themselves and making others around them miserable.

When we understand this with awareness, our perception of the one who hurt us changes. No human is perfect, we all have hurt others throughout our lives in one way or another. It is when we become hurt the emotional impact is hard to process.

Having the understanding when we are hurt, the person is acting from a place of the unevolved collective human consciousness. They are acting out from a place of their own mental and emotional conditioning from childhood. For if there were conscious at the time they hurt you, it probably would have never happened.

Holding Onto Anger, Resentment & Blame Only Hurts You-forgiveness heals

women meditating
forgive for yourself

Some individuals hold onto anger, resentment, and blame towards another for years and even their lifetime. Holding onto these negative emotions is causing complete poison chemistry within your body. Your blood is flooded with stress hormones, your immune system becomes weakened, and these negative energies become stuck in the very cells and organs within your body. Causing illness and disease mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Ask yourself:

  • Is holding onto this pain serving me in any way?
  • How has holding onto this pain affected my life?
  • In what areas of my life has this old wound caused me more pain?

By asking these questions you will find that not forgiving the one who has hurt you, is only hurting you. The emotional pain that you are suffering is not hurting the other person in any way. Therefore, is holding onto this pain serving you in any way? Of course, it’s NOT! It is only hurting you, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Self-inflicted Prison

Holding onto anger, resentment, and blame sucks the happiness out of your life. It causes you not to trust others, for you build a wall around yourself because of the fear of being hurt again. You are putting yourself in a self-inflicted prison of pain and misery. You cannot live in a place of inner peace or joy. Instead, you are filled with anger, resentment, blame, and even fear.

When you change your perception of the person who hurt you and understands they are living from a place of their mental and emotional conditioning. You start to understand and see they are not living from a place of conscious awareness. Here we can see them in a new way, and we can learn to forgive them. You don’t have to forget, never forget, for there are personal lessons and important insights within every experience we encounter. You don’t have to tell them you forgive them either. This is about your healing.

Let go of this un-serving pain, you suffered enough. Holding onto it doesn’t hurt the one who hurt you, you are only hurting yourself.

Forgive Yourself

The same goes for you. If you are feeling guilt and resentment towards yourself for something you have done in your past, perhaps hurting another human being. When we feel guilt or resentment because we have inflicted pain on another, this means we have become more conscious and now we feel guilt and resentment within us, and it feels horrible.

We must have that understanding we were not conscious enough to act differently at that time, and we thought our actions were right. We must understand that we too acted out from a place of our mental and emotional conditioning.

But right now we are struggling with guilt and resentment. We keep thinking “I did that” and our ego mind clings to the “I Did That”, for our ego likes to create identities in order to survive.

Therefore, when we did those actions we now regret, we were coming from a place of unconsciousness. Our actions were a reflection of the unevolved human consciousness. If you were still in that lower state of consciousness you wouldn’t be able to see that your action was wrong. Now we have become more awakened. We can see how much of our past was dysfunctional, and how much pain and suffering we inflicted on ourselves and others.

Forgiveness Heals

Becoming aware of others who have hurt us, and that the pain inflicted on us came from a place of their mental and emotional conditioning. Having awareness makes it easier for us to understand why they acted the way they did. This goes for us also. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes, we all have hurt someone, and we can only better ourselves by becoming more conscious of our inner world. Healing our own emotional pain and trauma from childhood, therefore, we begin to have more self-awareness. We begin to live our lives from a place of understanding, compassion, and love. Forgiveness heals, do it for yourself and your loved ones.

The Shadow Living Within Us

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