Benefits of Meditation

7 Easy Meditations Reduce Stress, Empower Lung Function

Just Breath! We are going to present meditation practices that explain the effects of meditation on the body. Presenting easy meditations methods that reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure. Improves our focus and attention span; along with breathwork meditation that improves lung function.

Anapanasati Translation “Mindfulness of Breathing”

This form of meditation was founded by Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. His teaching pertaining to mindfulness is in relation to inhalation and exhalation is found in the Anapanasati Sutta. These teachings reveal the link between the body and mind connection and are the foundation to subsequent meditation practices. Mindfulness of Breathing was the first subject of meditation addressed by Buddha.

Gazing Meditation to Increase Focus While Reducing Stress

Gazing in Hatha Yoga is called “Trataka” but it is not limited to yoga. This meditation is especially amazing for individuals who have a hard time keeping focus in other forms of meditation.

Gazing involves focusing on a physical object, a piece of art, a picture, object, what I love most is focusing on a candle flame. Candles are a great way to stay relaxed and focused with ease.

How to Practice Gazing Meditation?

  • Time: As always, whatever type of meditation you chose, start with 5 -10 minutes at a time. As a result, your comfort with this practice will increase, as it becomes easier, your relaxation, focus, and gazing skills will increase. Therefore, as you reach deeper in your comfort and relaxation zone increase your practice time by 5-10 minutes.
  • Posture: As always comfore is very important. Sitting on the floor, legs crossed or lotus position. If you need to sit in a chair, make sure your feet are flat on the floor. Support your back if needed with cushions or pillows, give support anywhere the body needs it. Keeping your spine as stright and comfortable as possible.

Our minds wander, remember that this is ok. Just be aware of it, and gently bring your focus back to the object of focus.

Candle Flame as Point of Focused Gaze Meditation: effects of meditation on the body

  • When using a candle, place it on a sturdy surface about eye level and about two to three feet in front of you. Darkening the room usually helps to connect your focus on the flame with more ease.
  • Take a few deep breathes with your eyes closed. Focus on each inhale and exhale 3-5 times. Then returen to your natural breathing.
  • Open your eyes to a gaze level, and focus on the flame of the candle with a gaze. Try to blink as little as possible. When the flame becomes blurry in your sight, consciously bring it back into focus. If your eyes become strained close them for a few moments letting them to rest. Then return your gaze back to the flame.
  • Nexy, when you feel ready, close your eyes and bring the image of the flame to your third eye. The space between your eyebrows. Hold the image of the flame there and concentrate on it. Focusing with the same intent wiht your eyes open.
  • When you mind becomes still and the metal image fades, just let it go and simply remain in this stillness. Feel how the stress melts away, as you practice this meditation daily, the positive effects it will have on your mind and body is priceless.
  • Relaxation increases and stress decreases the more you practice this gazing meditation.

Breathing Techniques to Reduce Stress and Maximize Your Hear Rate Variability, and Increase Lung Function

The effects meditation has on the body are endless. Coherent breathing or “Resonant Breathing” reduces stress and maximizes your heart rate variability.

  • This technique uses Full Five Breathes
  • You simply count to five as you inhale, and count to five as you exhale.
  • Practice for several munutes.

Breath Focus

Breath focus uses words to enhance your relaxation. Choose a phrase or a word that is positive or neutral. Sit in a comfortable position and try the breath focus meditation for 5-10 Minutes

  • Without chaging your breath focus on your natural breathing pattern.
  • As you continue to focus on your breath, repeat a word or phrase repeating it siliently to yourself.


  • As you exhale imagine the exhalation is carryig away stress and anxiety. You can imagine this stress and anxiety being carried away by the passing clouds.

Equal Breathing Technique: breathing techniques for stress

This practice focuses on the Equal Balance between inhaling and exhaling through the nose.

  • Count during each inhale and exhale. Chose a number count that feels right for you.
  • You can take a slight pause after each inhale and exhale if it feels good for you.
  • Repeat the Equal Breathing cycle for five minutes.

Alterante Nostril Breathing: effects meditation has on the body

Breathing techniques for stress: This practice relaxes the body relieving stress and anxiety, increases focus, and lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

  • Sit in a comfortable position.
  • Press your right nostril colosed with your thumb, while your pointer and middle finger are folded down to the palm of your hand. Leaving the pinky and rigng finger straight.
  • Inhale through the left nostral slowely, then slowley exhale through the same nostral.
  • Then press your ring finger against your left nostril closing it off, and inhale through the right nostril slowley, then slowley exhale through the same nostral.
  • Switch back and forth from right to left, closing each nostril, inhaling slowley and exhaling slowley, then switch sides.
  • Repeat this practice for 5 minutes.

Deep Breathing Technique to Enhance Lung Function:

This meditation practice is especially beneficial for individuals with shortness of breath. If you suffer from Asthma, meditation will not cure it, but regular practice can alleviate symptoms and reduce their severity.

Stress can trigger inflammation, Meditation lowers stress hormones and decreases activity in the body’s sympathetic nervous system. When we become more in control of these stressor responses it equates to better health. Deep breathing brings in more fresh air into your lungs while releasing stress and anxiety. This meditation Deep Breath Work can be done while sitting or standing.

  • Pull your elbows back slightly.
  • Inhale deepley through your nose.
  • Hold the breath for 5 counts.
  • Slowley exhale through your nose.
  • Practice this for 5 minutes, increasing the time as your Deep Breathing capasity increases.

“I Am” Meditation

Using the mantra “I am” is pretty straightforward. it is a personal method of meditation. The phrase can be said in any language, therefore it resonates strongest when practiced in your first language.

The mantra does not need to be religious. Repeating “I am is a perfect way to include self-exploration and self-reflection in a secular meditation practice.

Though the “I am meditation mantra does have a particular connection to certain religions. In Sanskirt. the phrase is “So Hum’ or literally “I am that he”. In philosophies of Vedic religion, “So Hum’ represents the connection between the individual and the universal with “I am” being personal, and “that” the universe. Many practitioners in meditation combine this with “OM”, as “Om So Hum”

How to Practice “I Am” Meditation

  • Time: The perfect place to start is 10 to 15 minutes. as the meditation becomes more familiar and you become more comfortable you can increase by 5-10. Therefore, you can increase the time to 30 -45 minutes or more.
  • Posture: Being comfortable is very important you, may sit in cross leg or lotus position for individuals who sit on the floor or on a cusion. If you chose to sit in a chair place your feet on the floor. You can support your back, or anywhere else you need support use cousions or pillows. Keeping your back as straight and cofortable as possible.
  • Your eyes can be in a downward gaze or completely shut.

Always remember your mind will wander, and that is ok. Therefore become aware when it wonders or fixates on the topic. Acknowledge it without judgment. gently bring your awareness back to the sound and its meaning of the “I Am” mantra.

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