Qigong & Yoga

How Qigong Practice Releases Negative Emotions Out of Body Organs

Releasing negative emotions is the purpose of this Qigong practice. This exercise practice will clear stuck negative emotional energy out of the very organs of the body. Everything in existence is consciousness vibrating on different frequencies. Each cell in our body carries its own consciousness. Therefore, each of our organs has its own consciousness. The heart’s consciousness is different than the liver. The liver’s consciousness is different than the spleen’s and so on. Negative Emotional Energy becomes stuck in our very cells and in the body’s major organs. Therefore we become prone to illness and disease if negative emotional energy is left to further build in the body’s major organs.

Releasing Negative Emotions: Overview and Explation:

The information on the Qi energy, function, and the structure of the emotions is a major missing piece of the Western World. It answers many questions it may be impossible to overstate the importance of the following information and practice. This practice is more involved and extensive.

According to the classic Table of Correspondence, each of the five Yin organs, which includes the liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. There is a primary particular emotion related to each of them. Therefore, this is one of the most significant differences between the east and west. The way they both describe what we are and how we work.

The Western World Has no Concept or Model of the Energy System: Releasing Negative Emotions

There is no understanding of this most important relationship and interaction. So the west tends to describe and understand emotions in terms of what is called psychology.

Western psychology has great value and wisdom, but without this important understanding of the inclusion of the energy system, psychology is only part of the picture and is incomplete.

Adding the Dimention of Qi Energy

Adding the dimension of Qi energy completes the picture. Hence, the reason why this is of great significance and is often the case in the west, is that we are driven by our emotions. They can create all manners of disturbance and turmoil. Yet we have no clear understanding of what our emotions are or how they work.

There is no common agreement in western psychology, on how many emotions we even have, only various theories and opinions. Our emotions are a mystery, and they tend to drive what we need and what we want.

A Simple Qigong Practice That Anyone Can Perform to Release Negative Emotions

This simple practice that anyone can perform can change how we feel, and what we need and want. Cleansing our emotions can lead to a space of calm, peace, and satisfaction. This practice is not a theory, it’s very practical and real. Try it for yourself and see from your own response and experience.

Our Emotions Are a State of Being

Our emotions can be considered of a specific state of being. The way that we feel at a given moment and how we experience ourselves. That can also be a combination of emotions with different proportions of diverse emotions mixed together. Though each culture has its own words to describe these in their own language and alphabet. The primary language of emotions is essentially the same experience for everyone, and every time in culture because of our common shared anatomy.

Everyone everywhere knows the difference between happiness and sadness. a historical note, during the complicated and inexact history, translation of acupuncture and oriental medicine from the picture graphic language of the Chinese. To the great Roman language of Egypt, Urapeion, and English we have primarily in the 19th and 20th centuries. The emotions were described in one dimensional way by one word only. It may take a few English words to correctly express what’s conveyed in one Chinese caricature. It’s like trying to describe a piece of art in one word. As a result, the range and certainty of the original true Chinese meaning were sometimes lost in translation.

Commonely Used Words to Describe Our Emtions

The commonly used words to describe our emotions, which were chosen by Western communities and general consensus in the 20th century were the following:

  • Anger
  • Joy
  • Sympathy
  • Grief, and
  • Fear

However, we all learn from our own experiences and Yin, Yang theory. Each of our emotions has both positive and negative aspects, its opposite, and counterbalance.

The selection of the complimentary words is the words of James MacRitchie a Qi gong instructor, and author. The following are presented as the opposite polarities of emotions. The positive aspect first, and the negative aspect second. Followed by the appropriate corresponding organs. These are listed in the Table of Correspondence, which is available from many different sources.

These Are The Following Words

Letting GoGriefLungs
Emotions and Corresponding Organs

Cleansing the emotions is like a complete and comprehensive system of psychotherapy, which you do by yourself just sitting in a chair with your eyes closed. It’s free and already belongs to you.

Each Organ and Emotion has Corrasponging Sence Organ

Everyone one of these related organs and emotions also has a corresponding sense organ or window to which a deep pathway that connects the outside to the inside. The external to the internal. These sense organs are as follows:

  • Liver and Eyes
  • Heart and Tip of Tounge
  • Spleen and Cavaty of the Mouth
  • Lungs and Nose
  • Kidneys and Ears
    • Any dishormony in these organs can result in symptoms in the corrosponding sence organs.
    • Liver problems effect vision.
    • Heart problems effect speach.
    • Spleen problems effects the mouth.
    • Liver problems affect breathing.
    • Kidney problems effect hearing.

Recyling Our Negavtive Emotions

This practice helps to refresh and cleanse your senses. Thereby keeping healthy and strong. Recycling our negative emotions in the following practices brings fresh clean Qi from Heaven and Earth will be drawn from the sense organ window to cleanse negative emotions out of the organs themselves, thereby purifying them. The negative emotions are drawn from the organs into the Ba Gua or Navel. Once in the navel, the emotions are then broken down to harness component parts to purified essences. So that like any toxin when they are broken down into their base component they can no longer do any harm. The energy that is contained in the navel is then transformed into positive Qi.

Exercise to Drain Negative Emotions Form Our Organs

As we do these exercises we are going to drain negative emotions from our organs.

  • Anger from your liver.
  • Anxiety from your heart.
  • Worry from your spleen.
  • Grief from your lungs.
  • Fear from your kidneys.

Bring each of these emotions to the Ba Gua at the navel. Once in the navel they are broken down by the process comparable to a vortex or turning on a high-speed blender or washing machine inside your navel. This does not go into one particular direction, but backward and forwards, whichever way you choose, You do this by adjusting using your mind and deciding to do so. Remember your mind leads your Qi, and you are in control.

Collection Points:

To bring your negative emotions to your navel safely, you first have to bring each one to what is called a collection point. Collection points are like hooks, you form them with your mind to contain your negative emotions. Once they have been used you make them disappear as simple as that, by turning them off, there is nothing left.

These are particular places on the surface of your body. The location of the collection point has to be learned.

There are five places as follows:

  • The first point, between the legs, between the gentials and the anus. becuase they are privet is is one of the most important points of the body.
  • The crown point at the top of your head, together they are the Yin and Yang primary pathway, know as the thrifting channel that runs up and down the center of your body.

We can locate them without touching them by contracting and holding the muscles there, then release them. Hold squeeze release, that is one way to identify where this point is. The point between the legs is the collection point of fear from the kidneys. You are now ready to continue the practice of cleansing negative emotions.

Opening the Windows: Connecting the Sense Organ to The Internal Organ

Connecting the sense organs with the internal organs by opening the windows. To begin each stage of this practice it’s important to open each window to each organ with the corresponding sense organ in order to bring fresh Qi to that particular internal Yin organ.

This can be done by the process that opens the connecting pathway between them. This procedure allows fresh Qi to go from the outside to the inside. Which is normally done from the nose to the lungs.

  • Hold 90% in your sence organ and 10% in the corresponding enternal organ, Then slowley increaes your awarness to the enternal organ from the sence organ.
  • Start at 10%-90% to
  • 20%-80% to
  • 30%-70% to
  • 40%-60% until you have 90% in the enternal organ and 10% in your sense organ.

So then hold it with your mind and pay attention to how it feels, be aware of the sensation and your sense of it.

Now reverse back into the sense organ, to

  • 90%-10% and so on, then reverse back into the enternal organ until you have 90% back into it. You can corralate this process with your breathing.
  • As you breath in bring the Qi into the enternal organ, as you breath out bring it back to the sense organ. This may feel very unfamilar to you but with practice it becomes simple and easy.
  • Its learning a new skill and ability.
  • Once you can do this, focusing between the sense organ and external organ, then divide your awareness to 50% in the sense organ and enternal organ.
  • Finally, letting your attention flows equally between them until the whole pathway is completly open from one end to the other.

 Consequently, this practice opens up the whole internal pathway, the connection between the external window sense organ and the internal Yin organ. Hense allows you to bring fresh Qi into the organ to clean and purify it. This process of connecting the external sense organ to the window to the corresponding internal organ and then applied to the following practices.

The Qi Gong Practice:

Sitting in a comfortable and relaxed position. Close your eyes
and clear your mind. Put your attention into your navel, draw a
Ba Gua, and concentrate your energy there.

Purifying Fear from the Kidneys:

Hense, put your attention on your kidneys. Your ears are the “windows”.

  • Your kidneys are Cold and Blue/Black.
  • The negative emotions are Fear/Self-consciousness/Paranoia
  • The coupled Yang organ is the Bladder.
  • The related season is Winter.

Feel the quality of the Qi in your kidneys.

  • Holding your attention in your kidneys, focus on your ears.
  • Your ears are the sense-organ “windows” of the kidneys –
  • There is an internal pathway between them. Using the sequence described above, open up the pathway between them.
  • Left ear to left kidney.
  • Right ear to right kidney.

Breathe in fresh, clean Qi into the kidneys, for this reason, feel the old, stale, dirty energy of Fear float to the surface of the kidneys as if a stream of fresh, clean water was flowing into an old, stagnant pond, flushing out the stagnant energy. Thence, Feel the Cold-Blue-Fear energy in the kidneys being drawn out and released. Using your mind bring this fear energy from the kidneys to the collection point at the perineum and hold it there.

Cleanse the Fear And Anxiety In The Ba Gua/Navel

Therefore, bring fear and anxiety into the Ba Gua, and break them down:

  • Now, at the same time, as you breathe in draw the Cold-Blue-Fear energy from the perinuem collection point, and the Hot-Red-Anxiety energy from the chest collection point, into the Ba Gua.
  • Turn on your Ba Gua, as if it is a blender or washing machinevortex, and Feel the Fear and Anxiety being mixed together and broken down into their purified components, just like a poison can be broken down into harmless molecules.
  • Therefore, as they are broken down, the negative emotions of Fear and Anxiety are dissolved and the energy locked up in them is released.
  • Return to your heart and bring some Love and Joy from it into the Ba Gua to harmonize the purified energy there.

Bring your awareness to what your purified energy now feels like.

Purifying ANGER from the Liver:

Put your attention into your liver.

  • The “windows” are the Eyes.
  • Your liver is Warm and Green.
  • The negative emotions are Anger/Frustration/Resentment.
  • The coupled Yang organ is the Gall Bladder.
  • The related season is Spring.
  • Feel the quality of the Qi in your liver.
  • Holding your attention in your liver, focus on your eyes. The eyes are the sense-organ “windows” of the liver – there is an internal pathway between them.
  • Using the sequence described above open the pathway between them and draw fresh Qi into the liver.
  • As you breathe in fresh, clean Qi into the liver, feel the old, stale, dirty energy of Anger being released from deep inside the cells of this organ, and float to the surface. Imagine it as if it was debris being washed out from the bed of a stream by clean freash water, and rising to the surface where it could be cleaned away.

Feel the Warm-Green-Anger energy in the liver being drawn out and released. Using your mind bring this anger energy from the liver to the collection point on the right side, two-thirds from the navel towards the side of your waist, and hold it there.

Purifying GRIEF from the Lungs:

Put your attention into your lungs.

  • The “window” is your nose.
  • Your lungs are Cool and White. The negative emotions are Grief/Sadness/Loss.
  • The coupled Yang organ is the Large Intestine/Colon.
  • The related season is Autumn/Fall. Feel the quality of the Qi in your lungs.
  • Holding your attention in your lungs, focus on your nose. The nose is the sense-organ “window” of the lungs. There is an internal pathway between them.
  • Using the sequence described above, open the pathway between them and draw fresh Qi in to the lungs.
  • As you breath in fresh, clean Qi into the lungs, feel the old, stale, dirty energy of Grief float to the surface. Again like dirt at the bottom of a stream being cleaned out.
  • Feel the Cool-White-Grief energy in the lungs being drawn out and released.
  • Using your mind bring this grief energy from the lungs to the collection point on the left side, two-thirds from the navel towards the side of your waist, and hold it there.

Cleanse Anger And Grief In The Ba Gua:

Bring anger and grief into the Ba Gua, and break them down.

  • Now, as you breath-in, at the same time draw the Warm-Green-Anger energy from the right-side collection point, and the Cool-White-Grief energy from the left-side collection point, into theBa Gua/Navel.
  • Turn on your Ba Gua, as if it is a blender or washing machine vortex, and feel the Anger and Grief being mixed together and broken-down into their purified components. Just like a poison can be broken down into harmless molecules.
  • Feel them being mixed together there and broken-down into their purified component parts. As they are broken down, the negative emotions of Anger and Grief are dissolved, and the energy locked up in them is released.
  • Return to your heart and bring some Love and Joy from it into the Ba Gua to harmonize the purified energy there.
  • Pay attention to what your purified energy now feels like.

Purifying WORRY From the Spleen:

Put your attention into your spleen.

  • The “window” is the whole cavity of your mouth (except for the tongue which relates spefically to the heart, as described earlier).
  • Your spleen is Mild and Yellow.
  • The negative emotions are Worry/Excess Sympathy/Inappropriate Compassion.
  • The coupled Yang organ is the stomach.
  • The related season is Late-Summer/Indian Summer.
  • Feel the quality of the Qi in your spleen.
  • Holding your attention in your spleen, focus on your mouth.
  • The mouth is the sense-organ “window” of the spleen – there is an internal pathway between them. Using the sequence described above, open the pathway between them and draw fresh Qi into the spleen.
  • As you breathe in fresh, clean Qi into the spleen, feel the old, stale, dirty energy of Worry float to the surface.
  • Feel the Mild-Yellow-Worry energy in the spleen being cleansed drawn out, and released. Using your mind bring this worry energy from the spleen to the collection point on the left below the ribs, and hold it there.

Cleanse Worry In The Ba Gua

Bring worry into the Ba Gua, and break it down:

  • Now, as you breathe-in, draw the Mild-Yellow-Worry energy from the Spleen collection point into the Ba Gua.
  • Turn on your Ba Gua, as if it is a blender or washing machine vortex, and feel the worry being broken-down into its purified components, just like a poison can be broken down into harmless molecules. As it is broken down the negative emotion of Worry is consequently dissolved, and the energy locked up in it is released.
  • Return to your heart and bring some Love and Joy from it into the Ba Gua to harmonize the purified energy there.
  • Pay attention to what your purified energy now feels like.

You have now cleansed the five major negative emotions of Anger, Anxiety, Worry, Grief, and Fear from the primary Yin organs of the Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidneys. Let all of these purified energies blend, purify, and harmonize in the Ba Gua at the navel. Combined together they form an Energy Ball of your refined energy.
Be aware of how this now feels. What differences do you notice compared to before you did this? Find a word, phrase, image, or
symbol to describe how it feels. Remember it. Add it to your
energy memory library.

Practice as One Complete Sequence or Individual Organ and Emotion When Needed

Although it is best to do this whole practice as one complete sequence it can also be done for each individual organ and emotion as needed. In other words, this practice can be done with the eyes and liver if you are angry, or with the mouth and spleen if you are worried, etc. Consequently, once you have learned it you can use this practice however you need to at any particular time.

Ending The Practice:

To end the practice at this stage and seal it, accordingly spiral out from the center of the navel 9 or 36 times to the 12 o’clock position
at the base of the sternum, then back in, to the center of the
navel, 6 or 24 times.

  • Men spiral out clockwise to the left, and back in counterclockwise
    to the right.
  • Women spiral out counter-clockwise to the right, and back in
    clockwise to the left.

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Source: The Eight Great Meridians, by James MacRitchie