Spirituality, Consciousness, Oneness

The Shadow Living in The Subconscious Mind-Shadow Work

Shadow work is the highest form of light work you will do for yourself.

The human shadow is not some evil entity living within. The shadow is all the aspects of ourselves we have denied, disowned, rejected, pushed down, and suppressed. The shadow self is born in childhood. The traits we held as a child were either associated with “being good” and accepted, or the personality traits associated with “being bad” were not accepted by our parents or caregivers. No matter how wonderful or horrific your childhood was, your consciousness has become split.

We are born into this world whole, but that is short-lived. Our consciousness when we are born flows like a big river, but as we learn what parts of ourselves are rejected, small parts of our consciousness split off into smaller streams flowing away from the main river. Every time we experience parts of ourselves that were not accepted, rejected, or experienced emotional pain and trauma, another part of our consciousness forms another small stream of consciousness that is broken away from the main river.

These suppressed rejected parts of Self that have broken off from the main river become hidden in our subconscious mind. Like an iceberg floating in the ocean, the conscious mind is the part floating above the water, and the subconscious or unconscious mind is the part that is under the water. Therefore, we are not aware of these aspects of the Self for they are hidden from our conscious mind.

How Do You Do Shadow Work?

First, decide if you will seek a professional therapist for help or do shadow work on your own. Shadow work takes time. We have to develop more awareness of the emotions we might otherwise shrug off, ignore, or push down.

Doing shadow work is like peeling off the layers of an onion. Each layer we bring into our awareness can be addressed and healed, bringing these broken-off little streams of consciousness back to the main river. Shadow work is done by becoming aware of what’s hidden from our conscious mind and gradually healing those aspects of ourselves.

  • Set the intention that you are going to become more aware of when you have strong emotions and what triggered them. This includes feelings like you received a “gut punch” or felt your chest tightening.
  • Feelings and Emotions like anger, fear, despair, panic, stress, and anxiety can come up.
  • Create a journal and begin to log the strong emotions and feeling sensations you notice in your body.
  • Think about times when you feel something bubbling up inside of you, and you’re wondering why you’re so upset. You are upset because there’s been a part of you that has been hiding out for a long time and wants to be seen, acknowledged, and healed.
  • Don’t judge yourself, if you judge yourself, you distance yourself from yourself. This stops the analysis of ourselves, and we move on with life the way it is. Don’t judge yourself with guilt or shame our shadow is part of us. It was formed by unacceptance, therefore, we need to acknowledge and accept our shadow. We need to give this part of ourselves the love and support we did not receive in childhood. Love yourself fully.
  • Here is a process that may help you work with and acknowledge your shadow parts.
    • Ask yourself these questions.
    • What are these emotions, feelings, and body sensations trying to tell me?
    • When was the very first time I felt this way?
    • What was the actual trigger that brought these emotions and feeling to come up?
    • Sitting quietly and asking these emotions and feeling sensations to bubble up fully. Let them know you are listening, and as a result, you can find the root cause by exploring your inner being.

Our Shadow Also Has Hidden Positive Aspects Of Ourselves

Our shadow also holds positive aspects of Self. When you can identify your shadow parts, explore what the benefits of the shadow parts may be. Our shadow parts can be distressing but they can also reveal our values. Give these parts of the understanding, love, and support they need.

The spiritual dimensions of shadow work can feel like soul care and can benefit those around you.

When you connect with yourself and your soul, you access the parts of yourself you cant see. Going within and identifying these aspects of Self allows you to experience a wider range of emotions that may be used to better yourself and help others.

  • There is value in your Shadow
  • List your shadow parts
  • Consider what these parts tell you about your values
  • Think about ways you can live by your values

Example: You may have anger issues, but when you face it instead of denying this aspect of yourself. It can lead you down a path where you channel your energy into fighting against injustice in the world.

Is Shadow Work Dangerious?

There is no aspect of you that is unbearable. Shadow work can be painful for we go within and live those experiences that created our shadow all over again. Whatever is inside of you hiding out, is already acting itself out in your daily life.

  • Our shadow is always showing itself to us in our daily lives. Relationship problems, different faces, and different places always end in chaos.
  • Illness or disease showing up in our bodies.
  • Work-related issues.
  • Substance abuse
  • Eating disorders
  • Behavior problems
  • The list goes on and on, our shadow wants to be seen, acknowledged, and healed.

Shining the light of our consciousness on our shadow makes it safer. Shadow work can bring about feelings of a spiritual experience. It heals you one step at a time on a physical, mental, and emotional level.

Shadow Work is a Life-Long Journey

Even after one part of you is addressed and resolved, shadow work is a lifelong journey. But as each aspect of your split consciousness is brought back to the main river of consciousness one stream at a time. Life becomes better and better in all areas of life.

If you have experienced deep emotional pain and trauma in childhood or in adulthood, I suggest you find a professional therapist experienced in this type of trauma. For they can provide the support you need during shadow work and your healing journey.

Parent Archetypes of Childhood Trauma

What is Shadow Work and How to do it

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