Exercise can reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life for those with arthritis—easy Yoga for arthritis and other mobility, pain, muscle, and balance issues. Easy, gentle Yoga is a less physically challenging version of this practice. Gently moving the body with easy Yoga helps to release stiff joints and muscles. It helps with balance issues, and you build strength and flexibility gently. In addition, breathing techniques to follow with the movements and stretches ease the feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear of moving.
The 52.5 million U.S adults diagnosed with some form or stage of arthritis endure severe chronic pain that is felt throughout their joints. Exercise helps alleviate these symptoms by improving mobility- one good option is gentle Yoga (a more lenient variation through holding certain positions).
Who Can Practice Gentle, Easy Yoga?
Anyone can practice gentle Yoga; if you suffer from chronic pain due to arthritis, MS, back pain, or stiff, tight muscles, easy gentle Yoga can help. It gets your body moving to the best of your ability. Soft, easy Yoga takes the heavy impact out of exercise on our joints and muscles.
Easy Yoga is Modified Yoga
Easy Yoga can be practiced sitting in a chair yoga is a modified practice that anyone can do if you can’t stand. Chair yoga is also used for stability if you can stand; as a result, you gain strength and balance as you change poses. Get your body moving, and keep it moving with the gentle flow of Yoga. Any exercise is essential for your overall well-being.
Chronic Pain, Fear? Easy Yoga for Arthritis
You learn to breathe with movement and into the stretch by practicing easy Yoga. Focusing on the breath helps eliminate stress, anxiety, and fear of exercising. Individuals with chronic pain may fear their pain may become worse. I experienced this myself when I first started Yoga. Once I learned how to focus on my breath with the movement, the fear faded away; as a result, I never looked back.
I can’t imagine my life without Yoga, for it has given me a life of mobility and enjoyment. I have suffered from MS and chronic pain for 23 years and was home-bound. My bones became degenerative from the prednisone drug I took for years for MS. It reduced the inflammation in my body but devastated my bones. So now I focus on the foods I eat to reduce inflammation and avoid the foods that can cause it.
Before Yoga for myself, I had no life. Today my mobility is fantastic, and my chronic pain is no longer chronic. I am experiencing things I never thought I would again since my twenties. Next month, I am going zip-lining at Hunter Mountian with my adult kids, and I can’t wait! That will be a video I share with an open heart and a big smile.
Become Active Again: easy Yoga for arthritis
Active living is a necessary component of treating osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Exercise isn’t dangerous, so you should start now!
The American College of Rheumatology recommends physical activity as an essential part of effective treatments for both osteoarthritides (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). For people with OA, exercise is safe even when they’re experiencing pain or worsening symptoms. The reason is practice won’t make their condition worse. Therefore, studies show that regular fitness can reduce joint stiffness in patients who already have RA. Easy Yoga will also strengthen the muscles around the joints.
Talk To Your Doctor
Talk to your doctor about your condition and whether they feel you can benefit from easy, modified Yoga. You will find that most encouraging, of course, it depends on your personal condition.
Easy Yoga is a great starting point if you want to start an exercise routine to enhance your mobility. Flexibility, strength, and balance are also improved. Don’t let your diagnosis define your life. Take charge, and make a healthier, brighter, more loving, and exciting life for yourself.
Don’t Forget the Meditation Aspect of Yoga
Good meditation practice is also essential, relieving your mind and body from stress and anxiety. Mindfulness meditation for pain release can also enhance your journey to a healthier you.
If you want information about a guided online meditation program for beginners, click the button below. It will take you there.
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How to Meditate https://1111newme.com/2021/03/26/how-to-meditate-which-technique-to-use/
Tai Chi Beginner, Balance and Harmony https://1111newme.com/2021/04/09/tai-chi-beginner-balance-and-harmony/