Mindfulness Meditation for Anger Control
Mindfulness meditation for anger control truly can help. Anger is not good or bad; it is a human emotion. Therefore, recognizing and taking responsibility that anger is part of us, no matter what the situation provokes us.

When anger arises, we usually react quickly through our speech and actions. We get caught up in the emotion, the moment, without pausing to process what we are truly feeling.
Yes, we are feeling anger, but how to deal responsibly by not hurting others or ourselves? We can change our reactive mindset into a more considered, responsive, and productive one.
Mindfulness Meditation for Anger Control
Meditation can help us change our reactive mindset into a more productive outcome. We can learn to recognize the onset of anger as it starts to rise. We are learning how to feel our rage clearly—understanding that we do not need to step into a reactive mode and direct it outward. Instead, we can grip it before we hit the boiling over point.
Anger does not have to be a conflict between two people. It can show itself in the form of road rage because someone just cut us off. It can show itself when we feel stressed and overwhelmed when just about anything can set us off.
Mindfulness Learning Productive Skills
We are learning to recognize the emotion of anger rising in us and familiarizing ourselves with our emotional reaction to it. As a result, it helps us understand the triggers that get our blood boiling.
Our angry thoughts fan the flames as we stew on what made us angry. As we get hotter in our emotions, we then reach the point where we project our anger outward, even seeking others to blame. Therefore, here is where we need to understand our mind’s role in stoking the fire.

We can learn with practice and see that anger does not need to erupt. Anger is fleeting energy, and we can learn to view it this way. We can learn to be in control of it instead of anger controlling us. Learning to see our anger issue clearly can be a healthy emotion if we learn how to channel it appropriately.
Mindfulness-Healthy and Unhealthy Ways to Process Anger
Healthy- When anger rises, the idea is to honor it, feel it, and be aware of it without letting it burn us up. That’s the skill we can achieve through emotional regulation and mindfulness meditation. We are learning a skill that begins with the breath through focused attention or mindfulness meditation.
Unhealthy- If we quickly become angered and suddenly erupt, we take our anger out on undeserving bystanders. We exhibit unhealthy outrage that comes with little awareness. If our anger stems from believing another wronged us or injustice is upon us. We can bring the awareness we learn from practicing meditation. We can properly assess and respond healthily rather than react to any situation out of frustration or anger. Becoming aware of how we feel and react to adverse conditions or others is a healthy way of dealing with anger, for we act proactively and productively. We learn to appropriately harness and express anger in a healthy way for ourselves and others around us.
The journal Consciousness and Cognition have a new study that reports that one session of mindfulness meditation can reduce your body’s response to anger. Frustration and irritation caused by stress activate our sympathetic nervous system. As a result, we breathe shallower and faster, and our heart rate and blood pressure go up.
Mindfulness Breathing Exercise for Anger
Beginning a breathing, mindfulness practice of breath counting can help reduce the anger response.
Begin by taking a deep breath in and hold, with a count of four seconds. Then breath out all the way and hold for a count of four seconds. If four seconds is too long, count three instead. Repeat for ten rounds of the breaths in and out. The anger will most likely be gone.
Once you feel calmer, you can take it further in the exercise. Deep calming breaths focus on the coolness of the in-breath through your nose and the warm sensation on the out-breath. Focus your attention here for five to ten minutes will do wonders in helping control your anger, and healthily releasing anger does wonder for your own body. You stop your body’s system from becoming flooded with the stress hormone cortisol, which causes illness and disease.
Once you feel calm, you can see how you healthily processed your anger. As a result, you become better equipped to work on a solution to situations instead of adding fire to fire.
The more you become aware of when your anger is spiking, you can quickly turn inward to your mindfulness breathing exercises. Once you have practiced this technique, you will realize how more accessible it becomes. You will notice how much quicker your anger subsides, each time you practice it. How much better you feel, along with others around you, will see and feel a positive difference.
The Calm and Free Meditation Course
The Calm and Free Meditation Course can help you control your stress, anxiety, emotions, and anger and healthily process them.
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More resources:
What is the Stress Response? Calm the Mind-Body Connection. https://1111newme.com/2022/08/23/what-is-the-stress-response-calm-the-mind-body-connection/