Changes in Life Can Be Scary, Especially if They are Not in Our Control!

It can be pretty scary when we experience unexpected or forced change in our lives. How to deal with change in life if the demands of the recent change are too great, for these changes can create stress, leading to physical and emotional problems.
Resistance To Change
How we face and accept these changes makes all the difference in our stress level and the outcome. Do you fight against change with resistance or look at change as a new opportunity and growth? Stepping back from the sudden change, we can better understand what has happened and change our perspective toward the change. We all have been in a place of comfort, and sometimes we do not want to embrace these changes. However, our thoughts and attitude toward the unknown significantly affect how sudden change affects our stress levels and finding solutions.
Take Care of Yourself
- It would help if you took care of yourself; becoming overwhelmed with stress and anxiety is hurting you and not helping your situation.
- Change can bring fear, doubt, and uncertainty. However, it’s not helpful to view change negatively. On the contrary, it’s necessary to adapt to change to survive.
- You might want to stick your head in the sand and pretend the change hasn’t happened, but this can’t last long. Ignoring the change will make it more challenging to deal with later.
- Get exercise and eat well-balanced meals and get enough sleep. Walking in nature can do wonders for your stress and anxiety while helping you relax and be in the present moment.
- Sit and write out your feelings about the change. What are your fears? Are they rational or irrational?
- Meditation can help with your stress response to sudden change. Sit or lay down and count your breath. Example: Breath in 1, breath out 2, breath in 3, breath out 4. This simple exercise will reduce stress and anxiety; do it before bed for better sleep.
- Get support from someone you trust, a friend or family member, or a professional if the change is too great to handle.
Life Changes Are Inevitable
Change is inevitable. Look at your hobbies, friends, clothes, taste in music, TV shows, family, and career. So many of those things have changed.
The people around you have changed, friendships, relationships. The political climate has changed. Yes, some changes are more abrupt and unwanted, but they are still evolving, and you can do it. There’s change everywhere.
How to Deal with Change: Embrace The New Experiences and Opportunities

There are new experiences and understandings due to the changes in your life. But, if you never changed, think how boring life would be.
If you’re finding it challenging to embrace changes in your life, using these strategies can help:
- Understand that life is constantly changing. Life is expansion; we cannot expand without change. Life is continually evolving. It’s the very nature of life. Think about how much you’ve changed since you were an infant.
- Your body and view of the world have changed considerably over the years. Change is a natural part of life, whether good or bad. With sudden changes, we can learn to accept the things that are out of our control.
- See change as a positive thing; you can find the positive even when the change may initially seem overwhelming.
- You are expanding your comfort zone.
- They are providing opportunities.
- They are presenting new life experiences.
- We can learn much about ourselves as we deal with abrupt life changes. We become stronger.
Become Resilient

- We all have encountered upheavals in life; think back on how upset you may have been in the past. Then recall how you were in a better place after the change. Finally, see the opportunities that this change provides. There are positive aspects to the changes you’re currently facing in your life. You have to look for them.
- For example, losing a job provides many opportunities. You can change careers—a new company with increased pay. Get away from that annoying coworker. Move to a new city or town. You may have more free time to spend on your family, friends, and hobbies.
- A divorce can be traumatic, but it also brings new opportunities. You can find a more suitable partner. Move to a new house. Have more control over your free time. Put a challenging relationship behind you.
- Imagine a positive outcome. It’s easier to deal with change if you visualize a positive outcome. See a compelling picture in your mind. Then, when you feel stressed, go back to that picture. A positive expectation for the future can be motivating.
How to Accept Things That Are Out of Your Control

Pay attention to what you can control. Any situation that involves change has elements you can manage and others you cannot. For example, you can control your attitude, decisions, actions, and other things. However, there are also elements beyond your control.
- Spending your time and energy focusing on the things you can control is essential.
- Focusing on the things you can’t control can leave you feeling depressed and powerless.
- Change makes you stronger. The organisms that have survived the most successful are those that are best able to adapt. Organisms that do not adapt become extinct. Humans are excellent at adapting. They don’t like to do it! Every change you overcome makes you a stronger person.
- What other options do you have besides making the best of it? Chances are, they will all involve some change too. But, you can often choose which shift you want and take action to make it happen.
Most people avoid or fight change when it occurs, but that doesn’t have to be the case. On the contrary, change can bring tremendous opportunities!
Change is all around you. Change brings you new ideas, people, and experiences. Life is too short to live the same day over and over like groundhog day. Be grateful for the changes happening in your life. Chances are, you might be on the path to something new and wonderful.
More Resources:
How Can Negative Life Challenges Empower Positive Opportunities
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