Stress and anxiety fill our body with the cortisol stress hormone and adrenaline, which causes illness and disease. In addition, the fight or flight response creates an imbalance of the sympathetic nervous system. However, there are simple yoga poses to counteract these adverse reactions. Simple yoga poses can reduce stress and anxiety by enhancing relaxation and balancing the mind-body., increasing feelings of inner peace and well-being.
Here are five yoga poses that will calm the nervous system. These simple yoga poses are easily practiced in the comfort of your home. They will bring you back to balance, centered with a calm mind when practiced daily.
Childs Pose-yoga poses for stress relief.
All levels of yogis practice the child’s pose. The “rest” pose between more challenging poses. Allowing pause for a time to reflect, and breathe, check in with our bodies. Many feel comfort in this pose, also known as the “rest” pose when in-between challenging poses. Slow deep breaths in and out. Being present with your body and reflect on thoughts that appear and let them flow by like clouds.
Tree Pose (Vrikasana)
Also known as the standing pose, it calms the mind by focusing on the “dristi point” A steady focus, smooth breath, and calm mind to balance the body’s weight on one leg. The focus needed to perform this physical pose takes you away from anxiety, stress, and an overall busy mind.
Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
Find a nice quiet space in your home where you can relax without distractions. This pose is very effective in easing symptoms of stress and anxiety. Not only does it bring you back to mind-body balance, but it also relieves lower back pain.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
The bridge pose can both energize and restore the mind and body. As the wall poses earlier, you deliver oxygen-enriched blood to the brain. Both poses are inversion poses, bringing your mind and body to a calm place. Reducing stress and anxiety leaves you with a sense of calm and well-being.
Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)
Breathing from the diaphragm is vital for our overall health and well-being. The crocodile pose is perfect for triggering relaxation and harmonizing the nervous system. The abdomen rests on the floor and creates expansion into the lower back and ribs. It helps regulate blood pressure, stress, and anxiety. Reduces tension in the spine and shoulders and helps with insomnia.
The more you practice simple yoga poses for stress and anxiety, the more at ease you will become. So permit yourself to decompose for 10-20 minutes each day to practice one or more of these simple but powerful yoga poses for stress and anxiety relief.
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